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June 6, 2024
How to Get Rid of Mould in the Shower: Proven Tips

Shower mould is not only a nuisance but a real threat to a family’s health. 

Recognising the early warning signs of shower mould is essential to limiting its growth, as larger colonies of mould can be extremely difficult to eradicate. 

It is important to take rapid action to remove mould from your shower so that you can maintain a healthy and safe home environment. Hence, prior to booking comprehensive bathroom repairs – you need to know what causes mould and how to get rid of it.

Today, your friendly Melbourne plumber will cover everything to know about shower mould and tips on removing it so you can keep your bathroom hygienic. Let’s dive right in! 

Is Shower Mould in My Bathroom Harmful?

Even though not all moulds are harmful, people with asthma, allergies, or weak immune systems are particularly vulnerable to the health concerns posed by black mould.  

The Australian Government Department of Health states that breathing in mould spores for an extended period of time can lead to asthma attacks, allergies, and other health complications. 

Furthermore, the long-term effects can include skin irritation, wheezing, and chronic coughing. Hence, it further emphasises knowing how to get rid of shower mould and what kills mould in your shower

When you ignore mould shower growth, it can also eat away at surfaces and weaken the structure of your bathroom. One area often overlooked is the shower head, which can accumulate mould and mineral deposits over time. Knowing how to clean a shower head effectively can help prevent mould from spreading. 

Therefore, it is best not to take mould growth issues lightly so that you can keep your house clean, take care of your well-being, and ensure a healthier bathroom environment. 

What Is a Mould and What Are the Most Common Types Found in the Bathroom? 

black shower mould

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Is it common to see black spots or growth around the corners of your shower? What about those little green spots that appear in the tile’s grout? Or do you start noticing unexpected sounds like shower whistles

Yes, that’s likely to be caused by mould growth! If left unchecked, it might lead to serious health problems or even bathroom damages. 

Your bathroom is a perfect breeding ground for mould since it is typically dark and wet – two conditions that mould loves. You could find it on the walls of your bathroom, in the corners of your shower or even on wet tiles. 

The difference between mildew and mould is easy to see. The former is easily recognised by its powdery texture and greyish-white colour, which can turn darker if you don’t deal with it quickly. 

In contrast, mould is typically fuzzy and black in colour and definitely far more difficult to remove than mildew. Usually, the first thing homeowners would do once they spot mould is try to use a shower mould remover product they can find at home. 

One particularly dangerous type of mould shower is black mould. Similar to other types of mould, it thrives in wet environments such as bathrooms and showers. 

Some of the negative health impacts linked to black mould include breathing issues, skin irritation, headaches, nausea, and allergic responses. 

No matter the type of mould you see, addressing it promptly is highly advisable for maintaining a clean and safe bathroom environment.

How to Remove Mould from Your Shower?

how to get rid of shower mould

Now that you know how mould can be very harmful, it’s a good idea to equip yourself with the know-how to get rid of mould in shower.

You can blame the awful smell and unsightly appearance of your bathroom on the mould. 

Even in the worst cases, mould can be removed, but you must proceed with caution.

Attempting to remove mould yourself using a shower mould cleaner can sometimes exacerbate the problem – especially if mould spores are spread during cleaning.

Such mould removal shower products you can try include common household items like vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and bleach. Each of these has properties that can make them effective mould removers

However, their use may not always guarantee complete solutions in how to kill mould in the shower. Each method has its limitations, such as inefficacy on porous surfaces, health risks from toxic fumes, and the need for thorough and repeated applications.

Surely, these DIY methods can be a starting point and temporary relief for minor mould issues. You can try applying them 

However, for severe infestations, it’s essential to consider calling a professional plumber who provides bathroom renovation as one of their services. Such experts will be able to address visible mould and detect and eliminate hidden growth – preventing future infestations! 

Moreover, professionals have the necessary equipment and expertise to handle mould safely and effectively. 

Why Am I Getting Mould in My Shower?

As mentioned, mould growth in showers is a common issue due to the consistently damp environment – which provides an ideal breeding ground for mould spores. 

One primary reason for mould development is the accumulation of dirt and moisture in hard-to-reach areas, such as the crevices and designs of showerheads. 

These spots can easily be overlooked during regular cleaning. Hence, it is vital to ensure thorough and regular cleaning of all shower components to prevent mould growth. 

Additionally, mould growth on the tiles exterior and shower grout can often signal more significant underlying issues, like water leaks behind the tiles.This hidden moisture can lead to extensive mould colonies developing out of sight – posing both health risks and potential structural damage. 

How Do I Stop Mould Coming Back in My Shower?

Preventing mould growth in your shower requires a combination of proactive measures and regular maintenance. 

We recommend waterproofing your shower by regrouting tiles, applying liquid waterproof coatings, and installing reinforcement membranes. 

Moreover, regular sealing of tiles and grout every one or two years is equally advisable to prevent mould from finding its way into porous surfaces.

In addition to waterproofing and sealing, use the bathroom fan or vent while showering and keep doors and windows open afterward to reduce moisture levels. 

Waterproof and seal areas prone to mould growth, such as tile lines, and promptly repair any leaks in sinks, ceilings, or tubs. 

To save all the hassle and ensure comprehensive protection against mould, contacting  plumber Sunbury professionals for removing mould once and for all is highly advisable. 

Professional assistance can guarantee that your bathroom is thoroughly maintained and mould-free, providing you with peace of mind and preventing its growth!

How Should I Stay Safe When Removing Mould? 

Ensuring safety during mould removal is paramount to protect yourself and your home. While DIY methods may seem tempting, it’s more recommended to contact a professional assistance. 

You can get in touch with your local plumbing experts like Neighbourhood Plumbing Melbourne to ensure a proper and safe mould removal process when you are not sure how to remove mould from your shower!

Our plumbers serving Sunbury and surrounding areas will conduct a thorough inspection to identify any hidden mould growth behind your shower tiles and ensure comprehensive removal to prevent regrowth. 

If you suspect mould growth in your shower, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Call us today at 0488 885 122 for a consultation and ensure the safety and cleanliness of your bathroom environment. 

For other household plumbing issues like how to fix a leaking toilet, check out our guide for step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting tips! 

About the Author

Ricky Rizz

From unclogging the toughest drains to repairing leaking toilets, Ricky is a seasoned plumber who has brought his craftmanship to homes across Melbourne. He is as passionate about sharing plumbing tips just as much as he is about fixing your plumbing issues. So, when your taps or pipes begin leaking, you know who to call.

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